A man holding a drill in his hand.

Sharing the Value of Communication

At the heart of Between The Pages Today, you will find a unique blend of passion, dedication, and a profound commitment to sharing the value of communication. We are not in competition but rather on a mission to foster a love for communication in all its forms. Keep reading to learn more about Between The Pages Today.

Our Partners' Journey

In our narrative, Michael Maples and Peter Parrie stand out as emblematic figures. Michael's remarkable journey, overcoming obstacles like dyslexia and learning difficulties, led him to a remarkable career in photography and service to his country. Peter Parrie, a published author, finds fulfillment in crafting words that inspire and educate, embodying a true passion for storytelling and sharing knowledge. Their stories exemplify the triumph of spirit and human connection.

A man in white suit and hat holding his hat.

Our Values

At Between The Pages Today, we value the power of communication. We believe in the potential of everyone, regardless of their learning abilities, to make a difference in this world. We are committed to fostering a culture of inclusivity, understanding, and mutual respect. For more information, feel free to get in touch.